Title: | Spatial Probit Models |
Description: | A collection of methods for the Bayesian estimation of Spatial Probit, Spatial Ordered Probit and Spatial Tobit Models. Original implementations from the works of 'LeSage and Pace' (2009, ISBN: 1420064258) were ported and adjusted for R, as described in 'Wilhelm and de Matos' (2013) <doi:10.32614/RJ-2013-013>. |
Authors: | Stefan Wilhelm [aut, cre], Miguel Godinho de Matos [aut] |
Maintainer: | Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.0.4 |
Built: | 2025-03-06 03:33:00 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/stefanwilhelm/spatialprobit |
This method combines SAR probit estimates into one SAR probit object, e.g. when collecting the results of a parallel MCMC.
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' c(...)
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' c(...)
... |
A vector of |
This functions returns an object of class sarprobit
Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]>
for SAR probit model fitting
## Not run: ## parallel estimation using mclapply() under Unix (will not work on Windows) library(parallel) mc <- 2 # number of cores; set as appropriate to your hardware run1 <- function(...) sar_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw=500, burn.in=200, thinning=1) system.time( { ## To make this reproducible: set.seed(123, "L'Ecuyer") sarprobit.res <- do.call(c, mclapply(seq_len(mc), run1)) }) summary(sarprobit.res) ## parallel estimation using parLapply() under Windows library(parallel) ndraw <- 1000 # the number of MCMC draws mc <- 4 # the number of cores; set as appropriate to your hardware run1 <- function(...) { args <- list(...) library(spatialprobit) sar_probit_mcmc(y=args$y, X=args$X2, W=args$W, ndraw=args$ndraw, burn.in=100, thinning=1) } parallelEstimation <- function(mc, ndraw, y, X, W) { cl <- makeCluster(mc) ## To make this reproducible: clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) library(spatialprobit) # needed for c() method on master sarprobit.res <- do.call(c, parLapply(cl, seq_len(mc), run1, y=y, X2=X, W=W, ndraw=ndraw/mc)) stopCluster(cl) return(sarprobit.res) } # parallel estimation using 1, 2, 4 and 8 cores system.time(p1 <- parallelEstimation(mc=1, ndraw=5000, y=y, X=X, W=W)) system.time(p2 <- parallelEstimation(mc=2, ndraw=5000, y=y, X=X, W=W)) system.time(p4 <- parallelEstimation(mc=4, ndraw=5000, y=y, X=X, W=W)) system.time(p8 <- parallelEstimation(mc=8, ndraw=5000, y=y, X=X, W=W)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## parallel estimation using mclapply() under Unix (will not work on Windows) library(parallel) mc <- 2 # number of cores; set as appropriate to your hardware run1 <- function(...) sar_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw=500, burn.in=200, thinning=1) system.time( { ## To make this reproducible: set.seed(123, "L'Ecuyer") sarprobit.res <- do.call(c, mclapply(seq_len(mc), run1)) }) summary(sarprobit.res) ## parallel estimation using parLapply() under Windows library(parallel) ndraw <- 1000 # the number of MCMC draws mc <- 4 # the number of cores; set as appropriate to your hardware run1 <- function(...) { args <- list(...) library(spatialprobit) sar_probit_mcmc(y=args$y, X=args$X2, W=args$W, ndraw=args$ndraw, burn.in=100, thinning=1) } parallelEstimation <- function(mc, ndraw, y, X, W) { cl <- makeCluster(mc) ## To make this reproducible: clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) library(spatialprobit) # needed for c() method on master sarprobit.res <- do.call(c, parLapply(cl, seq_len(mc), run1, y=y, X2=X, W=W, ndraw=ndraw/mc)) stopCluster(cl) return(sarprobit.res) } # parallel estimation using 1, 2, 4 and 8 cores system.time(p1 <- parallelEstimation(mc=1, ndraw=5000, y=y, X=X, W=W)) system.time(p2 <- parallelEstimation(mc=2, ndraw=5000, y=y, X=X, W=W)) system.time(p4 <- parallelEstimation(mc=4, ndraw=5000, y=y, X=X, W=W)) system.time(p8 <- parallelEstimation(mc=8, ndraw=5000, y=y, X=X, W=W)) ## End(Not run)
The classic Coleman's Drug Adoption dataset "Innovation among Physicians" for studying the information diffusion through social networks.
A data frame CKM
with 246 observations on the following 13 variables.
a numeric vector; City: 1 Peoria, 2 Bloomington, 3 Quincy, 4 Galesburg
an ordered factor with levels
November, 1953
< December, 1953
< January, 1954
February, 1954
< March, 1954
< April, 1954
May, 1954
< June, 1954
< July, 1954
August, 1954
< September, 1954
< October, 1954
November, 1954
< December, 1954
December/January, 1954/1955
< January/February, 1955
February, 1955
< no prescriptions found
no prescription data obtained
years in practice
meetings attended
journal subscriptions
free time activities
club memberships
time in the community
patient load
physical proximity to other physicians
medical specialty
Three 246 246 binary peer matrices
for three different social relationships/networks: "Advice", "Discussion", "Friend".
Three 246 246 spatial weight matrices
, W2
and W3
from built from adjacency matrices A1
The description of the data set from a UCI website (previous link is invalid now):
This data set was prepared by Ron Burt. He dug out the 1966 data collected by Coleman, Katz and Menzel on medical innovation. They had collected data from physicians in four towns in Illinois, Peoria, Bloomington, Quincy and Galesburg.
They were concerned with the impact of network ties on the physicians' adoprion of a new drug, tetracycline. Three sociometric matrices were generated. One was based on the replies to a question, "When you need information or advice about questions of therapy where do you usually turn?" A second stemmed from the question "And who are the three or four physicians with whom you most often find yourself discussing cases or therapy in the course of an ordinary week – last week for instance?" And the third was simply "Would you tell me the first names of your three friends whom you see most often socially?"
In addition, records of prescriptions were reviewed and a great many other questions were asked. In the CKM data I have included 13 items: city of practice, recorded date of tetracycline adoption date, years in practice, meetings attended, journal subscriptions, free time activities, discussions, club memberships, friends, time in the community, patient load, physical proximity to other physicians and medical specialty.
The codes are:
City (: 1 Peoria, 2 Bloomington, 3 Quincy, 4 Galesburg
Adoption Date:
1 | November, 1953 |
2 | December, 1953 |
3 | January, 1954 |
4 | February, 1954 |
5 | March, 1954 |
6 | April, 1954 |
7 | May, 1954 |
8 | June, 1954 |
9 | July, 1954 |
10 | August, 1954 |
11 | September, 1954 |
12 | October, 1954 |
13 | November, 1954 |
14 | December, 1954 |
15 | December/January, 1954/1955 |
16 | January/February, 1955 |
17 | February, 1955 |
18 | no prescriptions found |
98 | no prescription data obtained |
Year started in the profession
1 | 1919 or before |
2 | 1920-1929 |
3 | 1930-1934 |
4 | 1935-1939 |
5 | 1940-1944 |
6 | 1945 or later |
9 | no answer |
Have you attended any national, regional or state conventions of professional societies during the last 12 months? [if yes] Which ones?
0 | none |
1 | only general meetings |
2 | specialty meetings |
9 | no answer |
Which medical journals do you receive regularly?
1 | two |
2 | three |
3 | four |
4 | five |
5 | six |
6 | seven |
7 | eight |
8 | nine or more |
9 | no answer |
With whom do you actually spend more of your free time – doctors or non-doctors?
1 | non-doctors |
2 | about evenly split between them |
3 | doctors |
9 | mssing; no answer, don't know |
When you are with other doctors socially, do you like to talk about medical matter?
1 | no |
2 | yes |
3 | don't care |
9 | missing; no answer, don't know |
Do you belong to any club or hobby composed mostly of doctors?
0 | no |
1 | yes |
9 | no answer |
Would you tell me who are your three friends whom you see most often socially? What is [their] occupation?
1 | none are doctors |
2 | one is a doctor |
3 | two are doctors |
4 | three are doctors |
9 | no answer |
How long have you been practicing in this community?
1 | a year or less |
2 | more than a year, up to two years |
3 | more than two years, up to five years |
4 | more than five years, up to ten years |
5 | more than ten years, up to twenty years |
6 | more than twenty years |
9 | no answer |
About how many office visits would you say you have during the average week at this time of year?
1 | 25 or less |
2 | 26-50 |
3 | 51-75 |
4 | 76-100 |
5 | 101-150 |
6 | 151 or more |
9 | missing; no answer, don't know |
Are there other physicians in this building? [if yes] Other physicians in same office or with same waiting room?
1 | none in building |
2 | some in building, but none share his office or waiting room |
3 | some in building sharing his office or waiting room |
4 | some in building perhaps sharing his office or waiting room |
9 | no answer |
Do you specialize in any particular field of medicine? [if yes] What is it?
1 | GP, general practitioner |
2 | internist |
3 | pediatrician |
4 | other specialty |
9 | no answer |
The data set had been reproduced from the now invalid http://moreno.ss.uci.edu/data.html#ckm
with the friendly permission of Prof. Lin Freeman.
Burt, R. (1987). Social contagion and innovation: Cohesion versus structural equivalence. American Journal of Sociology, 92, 1287–1335.
Coleman, James, Elihu Katz and Herbert Menzel (1957). The Diffusion of an Innovation Among Physicians, Sociometry, 20, 253–270.
Coleman, J.S., E. Katz, and H. Menzel (1966). Medical Innovation: A Diffusion Study. New York: Bobbs Merrill.
Valente, T. W. (1995). Network Models of the Diffusion of Innovations. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Van den Bulte, C. and G. L. Lilien. (2001). Medical Innovation Revisited: Social Contagion versus Marketing Effort, American Journal of Sociology, 106, 1409–1435.
coef is a generic function which extracts model coefficients from objects returned by modeling functions. coefficients is an alias for it.
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' coefficients(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' coefficients(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' coefficients(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' coefficients(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' coefficients(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' coefficients(object, ...)
object |
class |
... |
Additional arguments |
vector of named model coefficients
Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]>
Calculate fitted values of spatial probit/Tobit models.
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' fitted(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarorderedprobit' fitted(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' fitted(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' fitted(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' fitted(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarorderedprobit' fitted(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' fitted(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' fitted(object, ...)
object |
a fitted model of class |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods |
A numeric vector of the fitted values.
Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]>
This dataset has been used in the LeSage et al. (2011) paper entitled "New Orleans business recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina" to study the decisions of shop owners to reopen business after Hurricane Katrina. The dataset contains 673 observations on 3 streets in New Orleans and can be used to estimate the spatial probit models and to replicate the findings in the paper.
is a data frame with 673 observations on the following 15 variables.
a numeric vector
longitude coordinate of store
latitude coordinate of store
a numeric vector
median income
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
flood depth (measured in feet)
type of store ownership: "sole proprietorship" vs. "local chain" vs. "national chain"
socio-economic status of clientele (1-5): 1-2 = low status customers, 3 = middle, 4-5 = high status customers
"small size" vs. "medium size" vs. "large size" firms
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
days to reopen business
1=Magazine Street, 2=Carrollton Avenue, 3=St. Claude Avenue
is a data frame with 673 observations on the following 13 variables.
longitude coordinate of store
latitude coordinate of store
flood depth (measured in feet)
log median income
binary variable for "small size" firms
binary variable for "large size" firms
binary variable for low socio-economic status of clientele
binary variable for high socio-economic status of clientele
a binary variable indicating "sole proprietor" ownership type
a binary variable indicating "national_chain" ownership type
reopening status in the very short period 0-3 months; 1=reopened, 0=not reopened
reopening status in the period 0-6 months; 1=reopened, 0=not reopened
reopening status in the period 0-12 months; 1=reopened, 0=not reopened
The Katrina.raw
dataset contains the data found on the website
before some of the variables are recoded. For example, the
socio-economic status of clientele is coded as 1-5 in the raw data,
but only 3 levels will be used in estimation:
1-2 = low status customers, 3 = middle, 4-5 = high status customers. Hence,
with "middle" as the reference category,
contains 2 dummy variables for low status customers
and high status customers.
The dataset Katrina
is the result of these recoding operations and can be
directly used for model estimation.
When definining the reopening status variables y1
(0-3 months), y2
(0-6 months),
and y3
(0-12 months) from the days
variable, the Matlab code ignores the seven cases
where days=90
. To be consistent with the number of cases in the paper,
we define y1
in the same way:
y1=sum(days < 90)
, y2=sum(days < 180 & days != 90)
y3=sum(days < 365 & days != 90)
So this is not a bug, its a feature.
The raw data was obtained from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society dataset website
(was: https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/pb-assets/hub-assets/rss/Datasets/
and brought to RData format.
J. P. LeSage, R. K. Pace, N. Lam, R. Campanella and X. Liu (2011), New Orleans business recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 174, 1007–1027
data(Katrina) attach(Katrina) table(y1) # 300 of the 673 firms reopened during 0-3 months horizon, p.1016 table(y2) # 425 of the 673 firms reopened during 0-6 months horizon, p.1016 table(y3) # 478 of the 673 firms reopened during 0-12 months horizon, p.1016 detach(Katrina) ## Not run: # plot observations in New Orleans map; Google requires an API key; see `ggmap::register_google()` if (require(ggmap)) { qmplot(long, lat, data = Katrina, maptype="roadmap", source="google") } ## End(Not run) # replicate LeSage et al. (2011), Table 3, p.1017 require(spatialreg) # (a) 0-3 months time horizon # LeSage et al. (2011) use k=11 nearest neighbors in this case nb <- knn2nb(knearneigh(cbind(Katrina$lat, Katrina$long), k=11)) listw <- nb2listw(nb, style="W") W1 <- as(as_dgRMatrix_listw(listw), "CsparseMatrix") # Note: cannot replicate (a) 0-3 months time horizon model as of February 2024 #fit1 <- sarprobit(y1 ~ flood_depth + log_medinc + small_size + large_size + # low_status_customers + high_status_customers + # owntype_sole_proprietor + owntype_national_chain, # W=W1, data=Katrina, ndraw=600, burn.in = 100, showProgress=FALSE) #summary(fit1) # (b) 0-6 months time horizon # LeSage et al. (2011) use k=15 nearest neighbors nb <- knn2nb(knearneigh(cbind(Katrina$lat, Katrina$long), k=15)) listw <- nb2listw(nb, style="W") W2 <- as(as_dgRMatrix_listw(listw), "CsparseMatrix") fit2 <- sarprobit(y2 ~ flood_depth + log_medinc + small_size + large_size + low_status_customers + high_status_customers + owntype_sole_proprietor + owntype_national_chain, W=W2, data=Katrina, ndraw=600, burn.in = 100, showProgress=FALSE) summary(fit2) # (c) 0-12 months time horizon # LeSage et al. (2011) use k=15 nearest neighbors as in 0-6 months W3 <- W2 fit3 <- sarprobit(y3 ~ flood_depth + log_medinc + small_size + large_size + low_status_customers + high_status_customers + owntype_sole_proprietor + owntype_national_chain, W=W3, data=Katrina, ndraw=600, burn.in = 100, showProgress=FALSE) summary(fit3) # replicate LeSage et al. (2011), Table 4, p.1018 # SAR probit model effects estimates for the 0-3-month time horizon # impacts(fit1) # replicate LeSage et al. (2011), Table 5, p.1019 # SAR probit model effects estimates for the 0-6-month time horizon impacts(fit2) # replicate LeSage et al. (2011), Table 6, p.1020 # SAR probit model effects estimates for the 0-12-month time horizon impacts(fit3)
data(Katrina) attach(Katrina) table(y1) # 300 of the 673 firms reopened during 0-3 months horizon, p.1016 table(y2) # 425 of the 673 firms reopened during 0-6 months horizon, p.1016 table(y3) # 478 of the 673 firms reopened during 0-12 months horizon, p.1016 detach(Katrina) ## Not run: # plot observations in New Orleans map; Google requires an API key; see `ggmap::register_google()` if (require(ggmap)) { qmplot(long, lat, data = Katrina, maptype="roadmap", source="google") } ## End(Not run) # replicate LeSage et al. (2011), Table 3, p.1017 require(spatialreg) # (a) 0-3 months time horizon # LeSage et al. (2011) use k=11 nearest neighbors in this case nb <- knn2nb(knearneigh(cbind(Katrina$lat, Katrina$long), k=11)) listw <- nb2listw(nb, style="W") W1 <- as(as_dgRMatrix_listw(listw), "CsparseMatrix") # Note: cannot replicate (a) 0-3 months time horizon model as of February 2024 #fit1 <- sarprobit(y1 ~ flood_depth + log_medinc + small_size + large_size + # low_status_customers + high_status_customers + # owntype_sole_proprietor + owntype_national_chain, # W=W1, data=Katrina, ndraw=600, burn.in = 100, showProgress=FALSE) #summary(fit1) # (b) 0-6 months time horizon # LeSage et al. (2011) use k=15 nearest neighbors nb <- knn2nb(knearneigh(cbind(Katrina$lat, Katrina$long), k=15)) listw <- nb2listw(nb, style="W") W2 <- as(as_dgRMatrix_listw(listw), "CsparseMatrix") fit2 <- sarprobit(y2 ~ flood_depth + log_medinc + small_size + large_size + low_status_customers + high_status_customers + owntype_sole_proprietor + owntype_national_chain, W=W2, data=Katrina, ndraw=600, burn.in = 100, showProgress=FALSE) summary(fit2) # (c) 0-12 months time horizon # LeSage et al. (2011) use k=15 nearest neighbors as in 0-6 months W3 <- W2 fit3 <- sarprobit(y3 ~ flood_depth + log_medinc + small_size + large_size + low_status_customers + high_status_customers + owntype_sole_proprietor + owntype_national_chain, W=W3, data=Katrina, ndraw=600, burn.in = 100, showProgress=FALSE) summary(fit3) # replicate LeSage et al. (2011), Table 4, p.1018 # SAR probit model effects estimates for the 0-3-month time horizon # impacts(fit1) # replicate LeSage et al. (2011), Table 5, p.1019 # SAR probit model effects estimates for the 0-6-month time horizon impacts(fit2) # replicate LeSage et al. (2011), Table 6, p.1020 # SAR probit model effects estimates for the 0-12-month time horizon impacts(fit3)
Build a spatial weight matrix W using the k nearest neighbors of (x, y) coordinates
kNearestNeighbors(x, y, k = 6)
kNearestNeighbors(x, y, k = 6)
x |
x coordinate |
y |
y coordinate |
k |
number of nearest neighbors |
Determine the k nearest neighbors for a set of n points represented by (x, y)
coordinates and build a spatial weight matrix W (n n).
W will be a sparse matrix representation and row-standardised.
This method is a convenience method for quickly creating a spatial weights matrix based
on planar coordinates. More ways to create W are
available in knearneigh
of package spdep
The method returns a sparse spatial weight matrix W with dimension
(n n) and
non-zero entries per row
which represent the k
nearest neighbors.
Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]>
and knearneigh
for computation of neighbors lists, spatial weights and standardisation.
require(Matrix) # build spatial weight matrix W from random (x,y) coordinates W <- kNearestNeighbors(x=rnorm(100), y=rnorm(100), k=6) image(W, main="spatial weight matrix W")
require(Matrix) # build spatial weight matrix W from random (x,y) coordinates W <- kNearestNeighbors(x=rnorm(100), y=rnorm(100), k=6) image(W, main="spatial weight matrix W")
This method replicates the experiment from LeSage and Pace (2009), section 10.1.5. It first generates data from a SAR probit model and then estimates the model with our implementation.
LeSagePaceExperiment(n = 400, beta = c(0, 1, -1), rho = 0.75, ndraw = 1000, burn.in = 200, thinning = 1, m = 10, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE, ...)
LeSagePaceExperiment(n = 400, beta = c(0, 1, -1), rho = 0.75, ndraw = 1000, burn.in = 200, thinning = 1, m = 10, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE, ...)
n |
sample size |
beta |
parameter vector |
rho |
spatial dependence parameter |
ndraw |
number of draws |
burn.in |
number of burn-in samples |
thinning |
thinning parameter |
m |
Gibbs sampler burn-in size for drawing from the truncated multinormal distribution |
computeMarginalEffects |
Should marginal effects be computed? |
... |
Additional parameters to be passed to |
Returns a structure of class sarprobit
Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]>
LeSage, J. and Pace, R. K. (2009), Introduction to Spatial Econometrics, CRC Press, section 10.1.5
# LeSage/Pace(2009), Table 10.1, p.291: n=400, m=10 res1 <- LeSagePaceExperiment(n=400, beta=c(0,1,-1), rho=0.75, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, thinning=1, m=10) res1$time res1$coefficients summary(res1) # LeSage/Pace(2009), Table 10.1, p.291: n=1000, m=1 res2 <- LeSagePaceExperiment(n=1000, beta=c(0,1,-1), rho=0.75, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, thinning=1, m=1) res2$time res2$coefficients summary(res2) # LeSage/Pace(2009), Table 10.2, p.291: n=400, m=1 res400.1 <- LeSagePaceExperiment(n=400, beta=c(0,1,-1), rho=0.75, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, thinning=1, m=1) summary(res400.1) # LeSage/Pace(2009), Table 10.2, p.291: n=400, m=2 res400.2 <- LeSagePaceExperiment(n=400, beta=c(0,1,-1), rho=0.75, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, thinning=1, m=2) summary(res400.2) # LeSage/Pace(2009), Table 10.2, p.291: n=400, m=10 res400.10 <- LeSagePaceExperiment(n=400, beta=c(0,1,-1), rho=0.75, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, thinning=1, m=10) summary(res400.10)
# LeSage/Pace(2009), Table 10.1, p.291: n=400, m=10 res1 <- LeSagePaceExperiment(n=400, beta=c(0,1,-1), rho=0.75, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, thinning=1, m=10) res1$time res1$coefficients summary(res1) # LeSage/Pace(2009), Table 10.1, p.291: n=1000, m=1 res2 <- LeSagePaceExperiment(n=1000, beta=c(0,1,-1), rho=0.75, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, thinning=1, m=1) res2$time res2$coefficients summary(res2) # LeSage/Pace(2009), Table 10.2, p.291: n=400, m=1 res400.1 <- LeSagePaceExperiment(n=400, beta=c(0,1,-1), rho=0.75, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, thinning=1, m=1) summary(res400.1) # LeSage/Pace(2009), Table 10.2, p.291: n=400, m=2 res400.2 <- LeSagePaceExperiment(n=400, beta=c(0,1,-1), rho=0.75, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, thinning=1, m=2) summary(res400.2) # LeSage/Pace(2009), Table 10.2, p.291: n=400, m=10 res400.10 <- LeSagePaceExperiment(n=400, beta=c(0,1,-1), rho=0.75, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, thinning=1, m=10) summary(res400.10)
The functions return the log likelihood for the spatial autoregressive probit model (SAR probit, spatial lag model) and the spatial error model probit (SEM probit).
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' logLik(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' logLik(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' logLik(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' logLik(object, ...)
object |
a fitted |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods |
returns an object of class logLik
Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]>
Estimate marginal effects (average direct, indirect and total impacts) for the SAR probit and SAR Tobit model.
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' marginal.effects(object, o = 100, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' marginal.effects(object, o = 100, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' impacts(obj, file=NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' impacts(obj, file=NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' marginal.effects(object, o = 100, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' marginal.effects(object, o = 100, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' impacts(obj, file=NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' impacts(obj, file=NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...)
object |
Estimated model of class |
obj |
Estimated model of class |
o |
maximum value for the power |
digits |
number of digits for printing |
file |
Output to file or console |
... |
additional parameters |
will extract and print the marginal effects from a fitted model,
while marginal.effects(x)
will estimate the marginal effects anew for a fitted
In spatial models, a change in some explanatory variable for observation
will not only affect the observations
directly (direct impact),
but also affect neighboring observations
(indirect impact).
These impacts potentially also include feedback loops from observation
to observation
and back to
(see LeSage (2009), section 2.7 for interpreting parameter estimates in spatial models).
For the -th non-constant explanatory variable,
be the
that captures the impacts from observation
The direct impact of a change in on its own observation
can be written as
and the indirect impact from observation to observation
LeSage(2009) proposed summary measures for direct, indirect and total effects,
e.g. averaged direct impacts across all observations.
See LeSage(2009), section 5.6.2., p.149/150 for marginal effects estimation in general spatial models
and section 10.1.6, p.293 for marginal effects in SAR probit models.
We implement these three summary measures:
average direct impacts:
average total impacts:
average indirect impacts:
The average direct impact is the average of the diagonal elements, the average total impacts is the mean of the row (column) sums.
For the average direct impacts ,
there are efficient approaches available, see LeSage (2009), chapter 4, pp.114/115.
The computation of the average total effects and hence
also the average indirect effects
are more subtle,
is a dense
In the LeSage Spatial Econometrics Toolbox for MATLAB (March 2010),
the implementation in
computes the matrix inverse of
which all the negative consequences for large n.
We implemented
via a QR decomposition of
(already available from a previous step) and solving a linear equation,
which is less costly and will work better for large
SAR probit model
Specifically, for the SAR probit model the matrix of marginal effects is
SAR Tobit model
Specifically, for the SAR Tobit model the matrix of marginal effects is
This function returns a list with 6 elements: 'direct' for direct effects, 'indirect' for indirect effects, 'total' for total effects, and 'summary_direct', 'summary_indirect', 'summary_total' for the summary of direct, indirect and total effects.
1. Although the direct impacts can be efficiently estimated, the computation
of the indirect effects require the inversion of a matrix
and will break down for large
2. is determined with simulation,
so different calls to this method will produce different estimates.
Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]>
LeSage, J. and Pace, R. K. (2009), Introduction to Spatial Econometrics, CRC Press
require(spatialprobit) # number of observations n <- 100 # true parameters beta <- c(0, 1, -1) rho <- 0.75 # design matrix with two standard normal variates as "covariates" X <- cbind(intercept=1, x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n)) # sparse identity matrix I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # number of nearest neighbors in spatial weight matrix W m <- 6 # spatial weight matrix with m=6 nearest neighbors # W must not have non-zeros in the main diagonal! W <- kNearestNeighbors(x = rnorm(n), y = rnorm(n), k = m) # innovations eps <- rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=1) # generate data from model S <- I_n - rho * W z <- solve(qr(S), X %*% beta + eps) y <- as.vector(z >= 0) # 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE # estimate SAR probit model set.seed(12345) sarprobit.fit1 <- sar_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw=500, burn.in=100, thinning=1, prior=NULL, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE) summary(sarprobit.fit1) # print impacts impacts(sarprobit.fit1) ################################################################################ # # Example from LeSage/Pace (2009), section 10.3.1, p. 302-304 # ################################################################################ # Value of "a" is not stated in book! # Assuming a=-1 which gives approx. 50% censoring library(spatialprobit) a <- -1 # control degree of censored observation n <- 1000 rho <- 0.7 beta <- c(0, 2) sige <- 0.5 I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) x <- runif(n, a, 1) X <- cbind(1, x) eps <- rnorm(n, sd=sqrt(sige)) param <- c(beta, sige, rho) # random locational coordinates and 6 nearest neighbors lat <- rnorm(n) long <- rnorm(n) W <- kNearestNeighbors(lat, long, k=6) y <- as.double(solve(I_n - rho * W) %*% (X %*% beta + eps)) table(y > 0) # set negative values to zero to reflect sample truncation ind <- which(y <=0) y[ind] <- 0 # Fit SAR Tobit (with approx. 50% censored observations) fit_sartobit <- sartobit(y ~ x, W, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE, showProgress=TRUE) # print impacts impacts(fit_sartobit)
require(spatialprobit) # number of observations n <- 100 # true parameters beta <- c(0, 1, -1) rho <- 0.75 # design matrix with two standard normal variates as "covariates" X <- cbind(intercept=1, x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n)) # sparse identity matrix I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # number of nearest neighbors in spatial weight matrix W m <- 6 # spatial weight matrix with m=6 nearest neighbors # W must not have non-zeros in the main diagonal! W <- kNearestNeighbors(x = rnorm(n), y = rnorm(n), k = m) # innovations eps <- rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=1) # generate data from model S <- I_n - rho * W z <- solve(qr(S), X %*% beta + eps) y <- as.vector(z >= 0) # 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE # estimate SAR probit model set.seed(12345) sarprobit.fit1 <- sar_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw=500, burn.in=100, thinning=1, prior=NULL, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE) summary(sarprobit.fit1) # print impacts impacts(sarprobit.fit1) ################################################################################ # # Example from LeSage/Pace (2009), section 10.3.1, p. 302-304 # ################################################################################ # Value of "a" is not stated in book! # Assuming a=-1 which gives approx. 50% censoring library(spatialprobit) a <- -1 # control degree of censored observation n <- 1000 rho <- 0.7 beta <- c(0, 2) sige <- 0.5 I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) x <- runif(n, a, 1) X <- cbind(1, x) eps <- rnorm(n, sd=sqrt(sige)) param <- c(beta, sige, rho) # random locational coordinates and 6 nearest neighbors lat <- rnorm(n) long <- rnorm(n) W <- kNearestNeighbors(lat, long, k=6) y <- as.double(solve(I_n - rho * W) %*% (X %*% beta + eps)) table(y > 0) # set negative values to zero to reflect sample truncation ind <- which(y <=0) y[ind] <- 0 # Fit SAR Tobit (with approx. 50% censored observations) fit_sartobit <- sartobit(y ~ x, W, ndraw=1000, burn.in=200, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE, showProgress=TRUE) # print impacts impacts(fit_sartobit)
, semprobit
or sartobit
Three plots (selectable by which) are currently available: MCMC trace plots, autocorrelation plots and posterior density plots.
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' plot(x, which = c(1, 2, 3), ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ..., trueparam = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' plot(x, which = c(1, 2, 3), ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ..., trueparam = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' plot(x, which = c(1, 2, 3), ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ..., trueparam = NULL)
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' plot(x, which = c(1, 2, 3), ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ..., trueparam = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' plot(x, which = c(1, 2, 3), ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ..., trueparam = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' plot(x, which = c(1, 2, 3), ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ..., trueparam = NULL)
x |
a |
which |
if a subset of the plots is required, specify a subset of the numbers 1:3. |
ask |
logical; if TRUE, the user is asked before each plot, see |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. |
trueparam |
a vector of "true" parameter values to be marked as vertical lines in posterior density plot |
This function does not return any values.
Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]>
library(Matrix) set.seed(2) # number of observations n <- 100 # true parameters beta <- c(0, 1, -1) rho <- 0.75 # design matrix with two standard normal variates as "covariates" X <- cbind(intercept=1, x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n)) # sparse identity matrix I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # number of nearest neighbors in spatial weight matrix W m <- 6 # spatial weight matrix with m=6 nearest neighbors # W must not have non-zeros in the main diagonal! lat <- rnorm(n) long <- rnorm(n) W <- kNearestNeighbors(lat, long, k=6) # innovations eps <- rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=1) # generate data from model S <- I_n - rho * W z <- solve(qr(S), X %*% beta + eps) y <- as.vector(z >= 0) # 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE # estimate SAR probit model fit1 <- sar_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw=100, thinning=1, prior=NULL) plot(fit1, which=c(1,3), trueparam = c(beta, rho))
library(Matrix) set.seed(2) # number of observations n <- 100 # true parameters beta <- c(0, 1, -1) rho <- 0.75 # design matrix with two standard normal variates as "covariates" X <- cbind(intercept=1, x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n)) # sparse identity matrix I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # number of nearest neighbors in spatial weight matrix W m <- 6 # spatial weight matrix with m=6 nearest neighbors # W must not have non-zeros in the main diagonal! lat <- rnorm(n) long <- rnorm(n) W <- kNearestNeighbors(lat, long, k=6) # innovations eps <- rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=1) # generate data from model S <- I_n - rho * W z <- solve(qr(S), X %*% beta + eps) y <- as.vector(z >= 0) # 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE # estimate SAR probit model fit1 <- sar_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw=100, thinning=1, prior=NULL) plot(fit1, which=c(1,3), trueparam = c(beta, rho))
compute the eigenvalues for the spatial weight matrix
and lower and upper bound
for parameter
sar_eigs(eflag, W)
sar_eigs(eflag, W)
eflag |
if eflag==1, then eigen values |
W |
spatial weight matrix |
function returns a list of
rmin |
minimum value for |
rmax |
maximum value for |
time |
execution time |
James P. LeSage, Adapted to R by Miguel Godinho de Matos <[email protected]>
set.seed(123) # sparse matrix representation for spatial weight matrix W (d x d) # and m nearest neighbors d <- 100 m <- 6 W <- sparseMatrix(i=rep(1:d, each=m), j=replicate(d, sample(x=1:d, size=m, replace=FALSE)), x=1/m, dims=c(d, d)) sar_eigs(eflag=1, W)
set.seed(123) # sparse matrix representation for spatial weight matrix W (d x d) # and m nearest neighbors d <- 100 m <- 6 W <- sparseMatrix(i=rep(1:d, each=m), j=replicate(d, sample(x=1:d, size=m, replace=FALSE)), x=1/m, dims=c(d, d)) sar_eigs(eflag=1, W)
of a spatial weight matrix
Compute the log determinant of a
spatial weight matrix W
using either the exact approach, or using some approximations like
the Chebyshev log determinant approximation or Pace and Barry approximation.
sar_lndet(ldetflag, W, rmin, rmax) lndetfull(W, rmin, rmax) lndetChebyshev(W, rmin, rmax)
sar_lndet(ldetflag, W, rmin, rmax) lndetfull(W, rmin, rmax) lndetChebyshev(W, rmin, rmax)
ldetflag |
flag to compute the exact or approximate log-determinant (Chebychev approximation, Pace and Barry approximation). See details. |
W |
spatial weight matrix |
rmin |
minimum eigen value |
rmax |
maximum eigen value |
This method will no longer provide its own implementation and will use the already existing methods in the package spatialreg (do_ldet).
will compute the exact log-determinant at some gridpoints, whereas
will compute the Chebyshev log-determinant approximation.
will compute the Barry and Pace (1999) Monte Carlo approximation
of the log-determinant.
Exact log-determinant:
The exact log determinant
is evaluated on a grid from
. The gridpoints
are then approximated by a spline function.
Chebychev approximation:
This option provides the Chebyshev log-determinant approximation as proposed
by Pace and LeSage (2004). The implementation is faster than the full
log-determinant method.
detval |
a 2-column |
time |
execution time |
James P. LeSage, Adapted to R by Miguel Godinho de Matos <[email protected]>
Pace, R. K. and Barry, R. (1997), Quick Computation of Spatial Autoregressive Estimators, Geographical Analysis, 29, 232–247
R. Barry and R. K. Pace (1999) A Monte Carlo Estimator of the Log Determinant of Large Sparse Matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 289, 41–54.
Pace, R. K. and LeSage, J. (2004), Chebyshev Approximation of log-determinants of spatial weight matrices, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 45, 179–196.
LeSage, J. and Pace, R. K. (2009), Introduction to Spatial Econometrics, CRC Press, chapter 4
do_ldet for computation of log-determinants
require(Matrix) # sparse matrix representation for spatial weight matrix W (d x d) # and m nearest neighbors d <- 10 m <- 3 W <- sparseMatrix(i=rep(1:d, each=m), j=replicate(d, sample(x=1:d, size=m, replace=FALSE)), x=1/m, dims=c(d, d)) # exact log determinant ldet1 <- sar_lndet(ldetflag=0, W, rmin=-1, rmax=1) # Chebychev approximation of log determinant ldet2 <- sar_lndet(ldetflag=1, W, rmin=-1, rmax=1) plot(ldet1$detval[,1], ldet1$detval[,2], type="l", col="black", xlab="rho", ylab="ln|I_n - rho W|", main="Log-determinant ln|I_n - rho W| Interpolations") lines(ldet2$detval[,1], ldet2$detval[,2], type="l", col="red") legend("bottomleft", legend=c("Exact log-determinant", "Chebychev approximation"), lty=1, lwd=1, col=c("black","red"), bty="n")
require(Matrix) # sparse matrix representation for spatial weight matrix W (d x d) # and m nearest neighbors d <- 10 m <- 3 W <- sparseMatrix(i=rep(1:d, each=m), j=replicate(d, sample(x=1:d, size=m, replace=FALSE)), x=1/m, dims=c(d, d)) # exact log determinant ldet1 <- sar_lndet(ldetflag=0, W, rmin=-1, rmax=1) # Chebychev approximation of log determinant ldet2 <- sar_lndet(ldetflag=1, W, rmin=-1, rmax=1) plot(ldet1$detval[,1], ldet1$detval[,2], type="l", col="black", xlab="rho", ylab="ln|I_n - rho W|", main="Log-determinant ln|I_n - rho W| Interpolations") lines(ldet2$detval[,1], ldet2$detval[,2], type="l", col="red") legend("bottomleft", legend=c("Exact log-determinant", "Chebychev approximation"), lty=1, lwd=1, col=c("black","red"), bty="n")
Bayesian estimation of the spatial autoregressive ordered probit model (SAR ordered probit model).
sarorderedprobit(formula, W, data, subset, ...) sar_ordered_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw = 1000, burn.in = 100, thinning = 1, prior=list(a1=1, a2=1, c=rep(0, ncol(X)), T=diag(ncol(X))*1e12, lflag = 0), start = list(rho = 0.75, beta = rep(0, ncol(X)), phi = c(-Inf, 0:(max(y)-1), Inf)), m=10, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE, showProgress=FALSE)
sarorderedprobit(formula, W, data, subset, ...) sar_ordered_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw = 1000, burn.in = 100, thinning = 1, prior=list(a1=1, a2=1, c=rep(0, ncol(X)), T=diag(ncol(X))*1e12, lflag = 0), start = list(rho = 0.75, beta = rep(0, ncol(X)), phi = c(-Inf, 0:(max(y)-1), Inf)), m=10, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE, showProgress=FALSE)
y |
dependent variables. vector of discrete choices from 1 to J ({1,2,...,J}) |
X |
design matrix |
W |
spatial weight matrix |
ndraw |
number of MCMC iterations |
burn.in |
number of MCMC burn-in to be discarded |
thinning |
MCMC thinning factor, defaults to 1. |
prior |
A list of prior settings for
start |
list of start values |
m |
Number of burn-in samples in innermost Gibbs sampler. Defaults to 10. |
computeMarginalEffects |
Flag if marginal effects are calculated. Defaults to TRUE. Currently without effect. |
showProgress |
Flag if progress bar should be shown. Defaults to FALSE. |
formula |
an object of class " |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. |
... |
additional arguments to be passed |
Bayesian estimates of the spatial autoregressive ordered probit model (SAR ordered probit model)
where y is a vector of
discrete choices from 1 to J,
, where
... for
... for
The vector
represents the cut points
(threshold values) that need to be estimated.
is set to zero by default.
is a
vector of parameters associated with the
data matrix X.
is the spatial dependence parameter.
The error variance is set to 1 for identification.
Computation of marginal effects is currently not implemented.
Returns a structure of class sarprobit
beta |
posterior mean of bhat based on draws |
rho |
posterior mean of rho based on draws |
phi |
posterior mean of phi based on draws |
coefficients |
posterior mean of coefficients |
fitted.values |
fitted values |
fitted.reponse |
fitted reponse |
ndraw |
# of draws |
bdraw |
beta draws (ndraw-nomit x nvar) |
pdraw |
rho draws (ndraw-nomit x 1) |
phidraw |
phi draws (ndraw-nomit x 1) |
a1 |
a1 parameter for beta prior on rho from input, or default value |
a2 |
a2 parameter for beta prior on rho from input, or default value |
time |
total time taken |
rmax |
1/max eigenvalue of W (or rmax if input) |
rmin |
1/min eigenvalue of W (or rmin if input) |
tflag |
'plevel' (default) for printing p-levels; 'tstat' for printing bogus t-statistics |
lflag |
lflag from input |
cflag |
1 for intercept term, 0 for no intercept term |
lndet |
a matrix containing log-determinant information (for use in later function calls to save time) |
W |
spatial weights matrix |
X |
regressor matrix |
Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]>
LeSage, J. and Pace, R. K. (2009), Introduction to Spatial Econometrics, CRC Press, chapter 10, section 10.2
for the SAR binary probit model
library(spatialprobit) set.seed(1) ################################################################################ # # Example with J = 4 alternatives # ################################################################################ # set up a model like in SAR probit J <- 4 # ordered alternatives j=1, 2, 3, 4 # --> (J-2)=2 cutoff-points to be estimated phi_2, phi_3 phi <- c(-Inf, 0, +1, +2, Inf) # phi_0,...,phi_j, vector of length (J+1) # phi_1 = 0 is a identification restriction # generate random samples from true model n <- 400 # number of items k <- 3 # 3 beta parameters beta <- c(0, -1, 1) # true model parameters k=3 beta=(beta1,beta2,beta3) rho <- 0.75 # design matrix with two standard normal variates as "coordinates" X <- cbind(intercept=1, x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n)) # identity matrix I_n I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # build spatial weight matrix W from coordinates in X W <- kNearestNeighbors(x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n), k=6) # create samples from epsilon using independence of distributions (rnorm()) # to avoid dense matrix I_n eps <- rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=1) z <- solve(qr(I_n - rho * W), X %*% beta + eps) # ordered variable y: # y_i = 1 for phi_0 < z <= phi_1; -Inf < z <= 0 # y_i = 2 for phi_1 < z <= phi_2 # y_i = 3 for phi_2 < z <= phi_3 # y_i = 4 for phi_3 < z <= phi_4 # y in {1, 2, 3} y <- cut(as.double(z), breaks=phi, labels=FALSE, ordered_result = TRUE) table(y) #y # 1 2 3 4 #246 55 44 55 # estimate SAR Ordered Probit res <- sar_ordered_probit_mcmc(y=y, X=X, W=W, showProgress=TRUE) summary(res) #----MCMC spatial autoregressive ordered probit---- #Execution time = 12.152 secs # #N draws = 1000, N omit (burn-in)= 100 #N observations = 400, K covariates = 3 #Min rho = -1.000, Max rho = 1.000 #-------------------------------------------------- # #y # 1 2 3 4 #246 55 44 55 # Estimate Std. Dev p-level t-value Pr(>|z|) #intercept -0.10459 0.05813 0.03300 -1.799 0.0727 . #x -0.78238 0.07609 0.00000 -10.283 <2e-16 *** #y 0.83102 0.07256 0.00000 11.452 <2e-16 *** #rho 0.72289 0.04045 0.00000 17.872 <2e-16 *** #y>=2 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 NA NA #y>=3 0.74415 0.07927 0.00000 9.387 <2e-16 *** #y>=4 1.53705 0.10104 0.00000 15.212 <2e-16 *** #--- addmargins(table(y=res$y, fitted=res$fitted.response)) # fitted #y 1 2 3 4 Sum # 1 218 26 2 0 246 # 2 31 19 5 0 55 # 3 11 19 12 2 44 # 4 3 14 15 23 55 # Sum 263 78 34 25 400
library(spatialprobit) set.seed(1) ################################################################################ # # Example with J = 4 alternatives # ################################################################################ # set up a model like in SAR probit J <- 4 # ordered alternatives j=1, 2, 3, 4 # --> (J-2)=2 cutoff-points to be estimated phi_2, phi_3 phi <- c(-Inf, 0, +1, +2, Inf) # phi_0,...,phi_j, vector of length (J+1) # phi_1 = 0 is a identification restriction # generate random samples from true model n <- 400 # number of items k <- 3 # 3 beta parameters beta <- c(0, -1, 1) # true model parameters k=3 beta=(beta1,beta2,beta3) rho <- 0.75 # design matrix with two standard normal variates as "coordinates" X <- cbind(intercept=1, x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n)) # identity matrix I_n I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # build spatial weight matrix W from coordinates in X W <- kNearestNeighbors(x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n), k=6) # create samples from epsilon using independence of distributions (rnorm()) # to avoid dense matrix I_n eps <- rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=1) z <- solve(qr(I_n - rho * W), X %*% beta + eps) # ordered variable y: # y_i = 1 for phi_0 < z <= phi_1; -Inf < z <= 0 # y_i = 2 for phi_1 < z <= phi_2 # y_i = 3 for phi_2 < z <= phi_3 # y_i = 4 for phi_3 < z <= phi_4 # y in {1, 2, 3} y <- cut(as.double(z), breaks=phi, labels=FALSE, ordered_result = TRUE) table(y) #y # 1 2 3 4 #246 55 44 55 # estimate SAR Ordered Probit res <- sar_ordered_probit_mcmc(y=y, X=X, W=W, showProgress=TRUE) summary(res) #----MCMC spatial autoregressive ordered probit---- #Execution time = 12.152 secs # #N draws = 1000, N omit (burn-in)= 100 #N observations = 400, K covariates = 3 #Min rho = -1.000, Max rho = 1.000 #-------------------------------------------------- # #y # 1 2 3 4 #246 55 44 55 # Estimate Std. Dev p-level t-value Pr(>|z|) #intercept -0.10459 0.05813 0.03300 -1.799 0.0727 . #x -0.78238 0.07609 0.00000 -10.283 <2e-16 *** #y 0.83102 0.07256 0.00000 11.452 <2e-16 *** #rho 0.72289 0.04045 0.00000 17.872 <2e-16 *** #y>=2 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 NA NA #y>=3 0.74415 0.07927 0.00000 9.387 <2e-16 *** #y>=4 1.53705 0.10104 0.00000 15.212 <2e-16 *** #--- addmargins(table(y=res$y, fitted=res$fitted.response)) # fitted #y 1 2 3 4 Sum # 1 218 26 2 0 246 # 2 31 19 5 0 55 # 3 11 19 12 2 44 # 4 3 14 15 23 55 # Sum 263 78 34 25 400
Bayesian estimation of the spatial autoregressive probit model (SAR probit model).
sarprobit(formula, W, data, subset, ...) sar_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw = 1000, burn.in = 100, thinning = 1, prior=list(a1=1, a2=1, c=rep(0, ncol(X)), T=diag(ncol(X))*1e12, lflag = 0), start = list(rho = 0.75, beta = rep(0, ncol(X))), m=10, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE, showProgress=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
sarprobit(formula, W, data, subset, ...) sar_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw = 1000, burn.in = 100, thinning = 1, prior=list(a1=1, a2=1, c=rep(0, ncol(X)), T=diag(ncol(X))*1e12, lflag = 0), start = list(rho = 0.75, beta = rep(0, ncol(X))), m=10, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE, showProgress=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
y |
dependent variables. vector of zeros and ones |
X |
design matrix |
W |
spatial weight matrix |
ndraw |
number of MCMC iterations |
burn.in |
number of MCMC burn-in to be discarded |
thinning |
MCMC thinning factor, defaults to 1. |
prior |
A list of prior settings for
start |
list of start values |
m |
Number of burn-in samples in innermost Gibbs sampler. Defaults to 10. |
computeMarginalEffects |
Flag if marginal effects are calculated. Defaults to TRUE |
showProgress |
Flag if progress bar should be shown. Defaults to FALSE. |
verbose |
Flag for more verbose output. Default to FALSE. |
formula |
an object of class " |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. |
... |
additional arguments to be passed |
Bayesian estimates of the spatial autoregressive probit model (SAR probit model)
where y is a binary 0,1 vector of observations for z < 0 and z >= 0.
is a
vector of parameters associated with the
data matrix X.
The error variance
is set to 1 for identification.
The prior distributions are
Returns a structure of class sarprobit
beta |
posterior mean of bhat based on draws |
rho |
posterior mean of rho based on draws |
bdraw |
beta draws (ndraw-nomit x nvar) |
pdraw |
rho draws (ndraw-nomit x 1) |
total |
a matrix (ndraw,nvars-1) total x-impacts |
direct |
a matrix (ndraw,nvars-1) direct x-impacts |
indirect |
a matrix (ndraw,nvars-1) indirect x-impacts |
rdraw |
r draws (ndraw-nomit x 1) (if m,k input) |
nobs |
# of observations |
nvar |
# of variables in x-matrix |
ndraw |
# of draws |
nomit |
# of initial draws omitted |
nsteps |
# of samples used by Gibbs sampler for TMVN |
y |
y-vector from input (nobs x 1) |
zip |
# of zero y-values |
a1 |
a1 parameter for beta prior on rho from input, or default value |
a2 |
a2 parameter for beta prior on rho from input, or default value |
time |
total time taken |
rmax |
1/max eigenvalue of W (or rmax if input) |
rmin |
1/min eigenvalue of W (or rmin if input) |
tflag |
'plevel' (default) for printing p-levels; 'tstat' for printing bogus t-statistics |
lflag |
lflag from input |
cflag |
1 for intercept term, 0 for no intercept term |
lndet |
a matrix containing log-determinant information (for use in later function calls to save time) |
adapted to and optimized for R by Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]> and Miguel Godinho de Matos <[email protected]> based on code from James P. LeSage
LeSage, J. and Pace, R. K. (2009), Introduction to Spatial Econometrics, CRC Press, chapter 10
for computing log-determinants
library(Matrix) set.seed(2) # number of observations n <- 100 # true parameters beta <- c(0, 1, -1) rho <- 0.75 # design matrix with two standard normal variates as "covariates" X <- cbind(intercept=1, x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n)) # sparse identity matrix I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # number of nearest neighbors in spatial weight matrix W m <- 6 # spatial weight matrix with m=6 nearest neighbors # W must not have non-zeros in the main diagonal! i <- rep(1:n, each=m) j <- rep(NA, n * m) for (k in 1:n) { j[(((k-1)*m)+1):(k*m)] <- sample(x=(1:n)[-k], size=m, replace=FALSE) } W <- sparseMatrix(i, j, x=1/m, dims=c(n, n)) # innovations eps <- rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=1) # generate data from model S <- I_n - rho * W z <- solve(qr(S), X %*% beta + eps) y <- as.vector(z >= 0) # 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE # estimate SAR probit model sarprobit.fit1 <- sar_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw=100, thinning=1, prior=NULL) summary(sarprobit.fit1)
library(Matrix) set.seed(2) # number of observations n <- 100 # true parameters beta <- c(0, 1, -1) rho <- 0.75 # design matrix with two standard normal variates as "covariates" X <- cbind(intercept=1, x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n)) # sparse identity matrix I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # number of nearest neighbors in spatial weight matrix W m <- 6 # spatial weight matrix with m=6 nearest neighbors # W must not have non-zeros in the main diagonal! i <- rep(1:n, each=m) j <- rep(NA, n * m) for (k in 1:n) { j[(((k-1)*m)+1):(k*m)] <- sample(x=(1:n)[-k], size=m, replace=FALSE) } W <- sparseMatrix(i, j, x=1/m, dims=c(n, n)) # innovations eps <- rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=1) # generate data from model S <- I_n - rho * W z <- solve(qr(S), X %*% beta + eps) y <- as.vector(z >= 0) # 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE # estimate SAR probit model sarprobit.fit1 <- sar_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw=100, thinning=1, prior=NULL) summary(sarprobit.fit1)
Bayesian estimation of the spatial autoregressive Tobit model (SAR Tobit model).
sartobit(formula, W, data, ...) sar_tobit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw = 1000, burn.in = 100, thinning = 1, prior=list(a1=1, a2=1, c=rep(0, ncol(X)), T=diag(ncol(X))*1e12, lflag = 0), start = list(rho = 0.75, beta = rep(0, ncol(X)), sige = 1), m=10, computeMarginalEffects=FALSE, showProgress=FALSE)
sartobit(formula, W, data, ...) sar_tobit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw = 1000, burn.in = 100, thinning = 1, prior=list(a1=1, a2=1, c=rep(0, ncol(X)), T=diag(ncol(X))*1e12, lflag = 0), start = list(rho = 0.75, beta = rep(0, ncol(X)), sige = 1), m=10, computeMarginalEffects=FALSE, showProgress=FALSE)
y |
dependent variables. vector of zeros and ones |
X |
design matrix |
W |
spatial weight matrix |
ndraw |
number of MCMC iterations |
burn.in |
number of MCMC burn-in to be discarded |
thinning |
MCMC thinning factor, defaults to 1. |
prior |
A list of prior settings for
start |
list of start values |
m |
Number of burn-in samples in innermost Gibbs sampler. Defaults to 10. |
computeMarginalEffects |
Flag if marginal effects are calculated. Defaults to FALSE. We recommend to enable it only when sample size is small. |
showProgress |
Flag if progress bar should be shown. Defaults to FALSE. |
formula |
an object of class " |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
... |
additional arguments to be passed |
Bayesian estimates of the spatial autoregressive Tobit model (SAR Tobit model)
is only observed for
and censored to 0 otherwise.
is a
vector of parameters associated with the
data matrix X.
The prior distributions are
Returns a structure of class sartobit
beta |
posterior mean of bhat based on draws |
rho |
posterior mean of rho based on draws |
bdraw |
beta draws (ndraw-nomit x nvar) |
pdraw |
rho draws (ndraw-nomit x 1) |
sdraw |
sige draws (ndraw-nomit x 1) |
total |
a matrix (ndraw,nvars-1) total x-impacts |
direct |
a matrix (ndraw,nvars-1) direct x-impacts |
indirect |
a matrix (ndraw,nvars-1) indirect x-impacts |
rdraw |
r draws (ndraw-nomit x 1) (if m,k input) |
nobs |
# of observations |
nvar |
# of variables in x-matrix |
ndraw |
# of draws |
nomit |
# of initial draws omitted |
nsteps |
# of samples used by Gibbs sampler for TMVN |
y |
y-vector from input (nobs x 1) |
zip |
# of zero y-values |
a1 |
a1 parameter for beta prior on rho from input, or default value |
a2 |
a2 parameter for beta prior on rho from input, or default value |
time |
total time taken |
rmax |
1/max eigenvalue of W (or rmax if input) |
rmin |
1/min eigenvalue of W (or rmin if input) |
tflag |
'plevel' (default) for printing p-levels; 'tstat' for printing bogus t-statistics |
lflag |
lflag from input |
cflag |
1 for intercept term, 0 for no intercept term |
lndet |
a matrix containing log-determinant information (for use in later function calls to save time) |
adapted to and optimized for R by Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]> based on Matlab code from James P. LeSage
LeSage, J. and Pace, R. K. (2009), Introduction to Spatial Econometrics, CRC Press, chapter 10, section 10.3, 299–304
, sarorderedprobit
or semprobit
for SAR probit/SAR Ordered Probit/ SEM probit model fitting
# Example from LeSage/Pace (2009), section 10.3.1, p. 302-304 # Value of "a" is not stated in book! # Assuming a=-1 which gives approx. 50% censoring library(spatialprobit) a <- -1 # control degree of censored observation n <- 1000 rho <- 0.7 beta <- c(0, 2) sige <- 0.5 I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) x <- runif(n, a, 1) X <- cbind(1, x) eps <- rnorm(n, sd=sqrt(sige)) param <- c(beta, sige, rho) # random locational coordinates and 6 nearest neighbors lat <- rnorm(n) long <- rnorm(n) W <- kNearestNeighbors(lat, long, k=6) y <- as.double(solve(I_n - rho * W) %*% (X %*% beta + eps)) table(y > 0) # full information yfull <- y # set negative values to zero to reflect sample truncation ind <- which(y <=0) y[ind] <- 0 # Fit SAR (with complete information) fit_sar <- sartobit(yfull ~ X-1, W,ndraw=1000,burn.in=200, showProgress=FALSE) summary(fit_sar) # Fit SAR Tobit (with approx. 50% censored observations) fit_sartobit <- sartobit(y ~ x,W,ndraw=1000,burn.in=200, showProgress=TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for (i in 1:4) { ylim1 <- range(fit_sar$B[,i], fit_sartobit$B[,i]) plot(fit_sar$B[,i], type="l", ylim=ylim1, main=fit_sartobit$names[i], col="red") lines(fit_sartobit$B[,i], col="green") legend("topleft", legend=c("SAR", "SAR Tobit"), col=c("red", "green"), lty=1, bty="n") } # Fit SAR Tobit (with approx. 50% censored observations) fit_sartobit <- sartobit(y ~ x,W,ndraw=1000,burn.in=0, showProgress=TRUE, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE) # Print SAR Tobit marginal effects impacts(fit_sartobit) #--------Marginal Effects-------- # #(a) Direct effects # lower_005 posterior_mean upper_095 #x 1.013 1.092 1.176 # #(b) Indirect effects # lower_005 posterior_mean upper_095 #x 2.583 2.800 3.011 # #(c) Total effects # lower_005 posterior_mean upper_095 #x 3.597 3.892 4.183 #mfx <- marginal.effects(fit_sartobit)
# Example from LeSage/Pace (2009), section 10.3.1, p. 302-304 # Value of "a" is not stated in book! # Assuming a=-1 which gives approx. 50% censoring library(spatialprobit) a <- -1 # control degree of censored observation n <- 1000 rho <- 0.7 beta <- c(0, 2) sige <- 0.5 I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) x <- runif(n, a, 1) X <- cbind(1, x) eps <- rnorm(n, sd=sqrt(sige)) param <- c(beta, sige, rho) # random locational coordinates and 6 nearest neighbors lat <- rnorm(n) long <- rnorm(n) W <- kNearestNeighbors(lat, long, k=6) y <- as.double(solve(I_n - rho * W) %*% (X %*% beta + eps)) table(y > 0) # full information yfull <- y # set negative values to zero to reflect sample truncation ind <- which(y <=0) y[ind] <- 0 # Fit SAR (with complete information) fit_sar <- sartobit(yfull ~ X-1, W,ndraw=1000,burn.in=200, showProgress=FALSE) summary(fit_sar) # Fit SAR Tobit (with approx. 50% censored observations) fit_sartobit <- sartobit(y ~ x,W,ndraw=1000,burn.in=200, showProgress=TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for (i in 1:4) { ylim1 <- range(fit_sar$B[,i], fit_sartobit$B[,i]) plot(fit_sar$B[,i], type="l", ylim=ylim1, main=fit_sartobit$names[i], col="red") lines(fit_sartobit$B[,i], col="green") legend("topleft", legend=c("SAR", "SAR Tobit"), col=c("red", "green"), lty=1, bty="n") } # Fit SAR Tobit (with approx. 50% censored observations) fit_sartobit <- sartobit(y ~ x,W,ndraw=1000,burn.in=0, showProgress=TRUE, computeMarginalEffects=TRUE) # Print SAR Tobit marginal effects impacts(fit_sartobit) #--------Marginal Effects-------- # #(a) Direct effects # lower_005 posterior_mean upper_095 #x 1.013 1.092 1.176 # #(b) Indirect effects # lower_005 posterior_mean upper_095 #x 2.583 2.800 3.011 # #(c) Total effects # lower_005 posterior_mean upper_095 #x 3.597 3.892 4.183 #mfx <- marginal.effects(fit_sartobit)
Bayesian estimation of the probit model with spatial errors (SEM probit model).
semprobit(formula, W, data, subset, ...) sem_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw = 1000, burn.in = 100, thinning = 1, prior=list(a1=1, a2=1, c=rep(0, ncol(X)), T=diag(ncol(X))*1e12, nu = 0, d0 = 0, lflag = 0), start = list(rho = 0.75, beta = rep(0, ncol(X)), sige = 1), m=10, showProgress=FALSE, univariateConditionals = TRUE)
semprobit(formula, W, data, subset, ...) sem_probit_mcmc(y, X, W, ndraw = 1000, burn.in = 100, thinning = 1, prior=list(a1=1, a2=1, c=rep(0, ncol(X)), T=diag(ncol(X))*1e12, nu = 0, d0 = 0, lflag = 0), start = list(rho = 0.75, beta = rep(0, ncol(X)), sige = 1), m=10, showProgress=FALSE, univariateConditionals = TRUE)
y |
dependent variables. vector of zeros and ones |
X |
design matrix |
W |
spatial weight matrix |
ndraw |
number of MCMC iterations |
burn.in |
number of MCMC burn-in to be discarded |
thinning |
MCMC thinning factor, defaults to 1. |
prior |
A list of prior settings for
start |
list of start values |
m |
Number of burn-in samples in innermost Gibbs sampler. Defaults to 10. |
showProgress |
Flag if progress bar should be shown. Defaults to FALSE. |
univariateConditionals |
Switch whether to draw from univariate or multivariate truncated normals. See notes. Defaults to TRUE. |
formula |
an object of class " |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. |
... |
additional arguments to be passed |
Bayesian estimates of the probit model with spatial errors (SEM probit model)
which leads to the data-generating process
where y is a binary 0,1 vector of observations for
is a
vector of parameters associated with the
data matrix X.
The prior distributions are
Returns a structure of class semprobit
beta |
posterior mean of bhat based on draws |
rho |
posterior mean of rho based on draws |
bdraw |
beta draws (ndraw-nomit x nvar) |
pdraw |
rho draws (ndraw-nomit x 1) |
sdraw |
sige draws (ndraw-nomit x 1) |
total |
a matrix (ndraw,nvars-1) total x-impacts |
direct |
a matrix (ndraw,nvars-1) direct x-impacts |
indirect |
a matrix (ndraw,nvars-1) indirect x-impacts |
rdraw |
r draws (ndraw-nomit x 1) (if m,k input) |
nobs |
# of observations |
nvar |
# of variables in x-matrix |
ndraw |
# of draws |
nomit |
# of initial draws omitted |
nsteps |
# of samples used by Gibbs sampler for TMVN |
y |
y-vector from input (nobs x 1) |
zip |
# of zero y-values |
a1 |
a1 parameter for beta prior on rho from input, or default value |
a2 |
a2 parameter for beta prior on rho from input, or default value |
time |
total time taken |
rmax |
1/max eigenvalue of W (or rmax if input) |
rmin |
1/min eigenvalue of W (or rmin if input) |
tflag |
'plevel' (default) for printing p-levels; 'tstat' for printing bogus t-statistics |
lflag |
lflag from input |
cflag |
1 for intercept term, 0 for no intercept term |
lndet |
a matrix containing log-determinant information (for use in later function calls to save time) |
adapted to and optimized for R by Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]> based on code from James P. LeSage
LeSage, J. and Pace, R. K. (2009), Introduction to Spatial Econometrics, CRC Press, chapter 10
for computing log-determinants
library(Matrix) # number of observations n <- 200 # true parameters beta <- c(0, 1, -1) sige <- 2 rho <- 0.75 # design matrix with two standard normal variates as "covariates" X <- cbind(intercept=1, x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n)) # sparse identity matrix I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # number of nearest neighbors in spatial weight matrix W m <- 6 # spatial weight matrix with m=6 nearest neighbors # W must not have non-zeros in the main diagonal! i <- rep(1:n, each=m) j <- rep(NA, n * m) for (k in 1:n) { j[(((k-1)*m)+1):(k*m)] <- sample(x=(1:n)[-k], size=m, replace=FALSE) } W <- sparseMatrix(i, j, x=1/m, dims=c(n, n)) # innovations eps <- sqrt(sige)*rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=1) # generate data from model S <- I_n - rho * W z <- X %*% beta + solve(qr(S), eps) y <- as.double(z >= 0) # 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE # estimate SEM probit model semprobit.fit1 <- semprobit(y ~ X - 1, W, ndraw=500, burn.in=100, thinning=1, prior=NULL) summary(semprobit.fit1)
library(Matrix) # number of observations n <- 200 # true parameters beta <- c(0, 1, -1) sige <- 2 rho <- 0.75 # design matrix with two standard normal variates as "covariates" X <- cbind(intercept=1, x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n)) # sparse identity matrix I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # number of nearest neighbors in spatial weight matrix W m <- 6 # spatial weight matrix with m=6 nearest neighbors # W must not have non-zeros in the main diagonal! i <- rep(1:n, each=m) j <- rep(NA, n * m) for (k in 1:n) { j[(((k-1)*m)+1):(k*m)] <- sample(x=(1:n)[-k], size=m, replace=FALSE) } W <- sparseMatrix(i, j, x=1/m, dims=c(n, n)) # innovations eps <- sqrt(sige)*rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=1) # generate data from model S <- I_n - rho * W z <- X %*% beta + solve(qr(S), eps) y <- as.double(z >= 0) # 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE # estimate SEM probit model semprobit.fit1 <- semprobit(y ~ X - 1, W, ndraw=500, burn.in=100, thinning=1, prior=NULL) summary(semprobit.fit1)
Print the results of the spatial probit/Tobit estimation via MCMC
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' summary(object, var_names = NULL, file = NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' summary(object, var_names = NULL, file = NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' summary(object, var_names = NULL, file = NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' summary(object, var_names = NULL, file = NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' summary(object, var_names = NULL, file = NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarprobit' summary(object, var_names = NULL, file = NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...) ## S3 method for class 'semprobit' summary(object, var_names = NULL, file = NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...) ## S3 method for class 'sartobit' summary(object, var_names = NULL, file = NULL, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...)
object |
class |
var_names |
vector with names for the parameters under analysis |
file |
file name to be printed. If NULL or "" then print to console. |
digits |
integer, used for number formatting with signif() (for summary.default) or format() (for summary.data.frame). |
... |
Additional arguments |
This functions does not return any values.
Miguel Godinho de Matos <[email protected]>, Stefan Wilhelm <[email protected]>
, sarorderedprobit
, semprobit
or sartobit
for SAR probit/SAR Ordered Probit/ SEM probit/ SAR Tobit model fitting